Our Pro-Tips for Great Interviews

Design vs. Build Season 2 Interview | Olson Kundig Offices | Seattle, WA

While we are in no way claiming to be the experts on the matter, we've definitely gained a few insights over the course of conducting 100+ interviews, and here are the keys we've learned:

  • Always, when possible, do a pre-call interview. This is important because it not only loosens the nerves as you get to know one another but, because of the informal setting, the interviewee tends to mention things in passing that may not seem relevant to them but will later become crucial elements or, at the minimum, a humanizing element which helps tie the story together. Notes from these are a must for a full-scope interview once the cameras are on. 

  • Don't force them to say anything. Just because it'd be great for the brand to have 'this' or 'that' soundbite, if they don't believe it or mean it, don't try to put words in their mouth. This is paramount as to not break trust. Trust is the pathway of exchange and once it's broken, you'll get guarded answers at best.

Design vs. Build Season 3 Interview | The Holdsworth Center | Austin, TX

  • It's a conversation, not an interrogation. We have loose bullet points of where we "think" the story is but are always ready to drop it if something better emerges through the discourse. If an interesting 'rabbit trail' opens, we will follow to see where it leads. These are people you are talking to, not tools to puppet what you wish to gain. Their experience, insight, and past will only strengthen the story and add layers of credibility.

  • Never give an exact question list prior. This inevitably leads to pre-scripted, PR-friendly soundbites, which always comes across as unnatural - you know, the opposite of what you want.

Design vs. Build Season 1 Interview | TheatreSquared | Fayetteville, AR

  • Make them shine. Though you are, in most scenarios, being paid by a specific company to collect valuable customer testimonials or are perhaps there to collect a specific story arc, we are always looking to showcase the interviewees in the best light possible as well. Everyone should benefit from the interview. They look good, you look good. It's a win/win.

  • Keep the cameras rolling. Many, many a time, the best stuff comes at the very end when they believe they've said their piece and begin chatting away. Guard down and end in sight, usually, their true personality, thoughts, and feelings begin emerging and it... is... GOLD.


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Our Pro-Tips for filming at a Trade Show booth


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