Pearl M-F
Insights and information about what we do Monday - Friday.

Our Pro-Tips for filming at a Trade Show booth
Your booth, that mega-expensive lead generator, has already been forgotten. But did you know it can provide marketing value without needing to be set up ever again? It can only happen with great video, so here are our Dos and Don’ts of filming at a trade show.
Let us explain.
Attending the tradeshow is the first step, maximizing your ROI is the next. How are you going to make this moment go beyond the four corners of your booth? Who will remember what you accomplished after the event is over?

Our Pro-Tips for Great Interviews
While we are in no way claiming to be the experts on the matter, we've definitely gained a few insights over the course of conducting 100+ interviews, and here are the keys we've learned:
Always, when possible, do a pre-call interview. This is important because it not only loosens the nerves as you get to know one another but, because of the informal setting, the interviewee tends to mention things in passing that may not seem relevant to them but will later become crucial elements or, at the minimum, a humanizing element which helps tie the story together. Notes from these are a must for a full-scope interview once the cameras are on.

Let’s stop making definitive statements about content creation
It only takes 30 seconds of scrolling for me to run across a social media guru who is telling me some version of "If you are doing ______ you will never see results, if you want to see actual results, do this!"
Maybe that guru is right, for some. But definitive and objective statements like the one above can be harmful to companies and turn owners off from investing in marketing in general. Here's why.