The Anatomy of Design vs. Build

How to use a documentary series to supercharge brand content and triple leads.

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Learn how we tripled leads and transformed a brand by telling great stories.

WTF is
Design vs. Build?

Design vs. Build is an award-winning documentary series that combines cinema-quality footage with light-hearted storytelling. Through award-winning cinematography, interviews, and a host-driven narrative, Design vs. Build is in a category all its own. 

Aside from being an incredibly well-done series, Design vs. Build used a unique marketing approach to triple the leads and establish a European brand as the brand leader in the USA.

Now, the creators are sharing their secrets in this free case study.

Ben Roberts, DvB Creator, shares:

  • The secret sauce behind the series

  • How each show was leveraged for marketing leads

  • Why this method is the best way to gain brand loyalty

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